KHS Honorably Dismisses Two Teachers

Fox Valley Career Center teachers are dismissed due to lack of student interest


Photo By Abril Salinas

On Monday, March 11, Director of Human Resources Christopher Adkins spoke to the District 302 Board of Education about honorably discharging teachers and cutting classes because of a lack of student interest in subjects pertaining to culinary arts and automotive careers.

Fox Valley Career Center’s full-time automotive instructor Nathan Fookes and part-time culinary arts teacher Fallon Oliver have been honorably dismissed for next school year.

According to Adkins, honorably discharging these teachers at this point in the school year, while not ideal, must fall on this board meeting and will hopefully assist the affected staff members in terms of having additional time to seek future employment.

“The state does require notice to educators, about 45 days prior to the end of the school year, which is some time in the middle of next week. So it falls onto this board meeting for us to take this action and make these recommendations. It is unfortunate that we have to do these things now, at this point in the school year. At the same time, it is viewed to be a little bit of a favor to those affected staff so they have time during the spring hiring season, with other districts to find other employment,” Adkins said.

Due to lack of enrollment in Fox Valley classes from other school districts that are now covering these classes in house, Fox Valley law enforcement teacher Tim Baker is also being reduced from full-time to part-time.