Making a Difference in Just One Week


IMG_3574Kindness is the most valuable gift youwill ever give someone.  The Kaneland Community, including Sugar Grove, Elburn,  Kane County Village Board and District 302, has an entire week dedicated to kindness.  The week is called K.I.K. week, standing for Kindness in Kaneland.

“The purpose of K.I.K. week is to promote random acts of kindness and highlight people doing good things for others,” GSA advisor Kristen Dombek said.

Students don’t have to change their daily routine to participate in K.I.K. week.  It’s the simple things that count and make a difference in someone’s day.  Whether that is holding the door open for a teacher or picking up someone’s pencil for them, even a simple smile can brighten up someone’s day; a smile is contagious so pass it on.

Making a change is sometimes hard to handle, but making a positive change just needs a little positive attitude and encouragement.

“I’m hoping that people who daily show kindness get recognized for doing kind things because they are awesome and I hope we can improve the general feeling of the school,” Dombek said.