December 19: DIY Gifts Sure to Spread Smiles
365 things Jar:
Finding the perfect gift for someone can be very hard. Why not make something that can leave them waking up every morning with a smile. This gift may take some time, but they will get to pick a piece of paper daily and read it with a smile.
- Three or more different colors of paper
- A jar of your choice (make sure it can fit all the papers though)
- Writing utensil (or multiple)
How to:
- Gather materials
- Think of how many categories you would like to include. I did three categories
- Ex: Quotes, memories, reasons you’re my ______, bucket list, facts, song lyrics
- Start writing the things you want to include. Make sure there are 365.
- You can either hand write them on the paper or type them.
- Writing is more sentimental but takes longer
- I hand wrote reasons you’re my best friend and memories
- Fold them and put them in the jar
- Create a directions sheet with rules and a key.
Candy Sled:
As a kid, you probably went to an event where you got to sit on Santa’s lap. If you went to ones I went to you saw Santa’s sled made out of candy. This is a great gift for those people who love their candy. It’s super easy and quick to make.
- Two candy canes
- 4-5 candies (make sure you’re able to stack them and get smaller as they go up)
- Tape
- Ribbon (optional)
How to:
- Gather materials
- Tape candy canes to the bottom of the largest candy.
- Stack the rest of the candy and tape between each candy cane.
- Put the ribbon around it to make it a nice finished project.
About the Contributor

Bridget McCracken, Editor in Chief of Web
Grade: 12
Position: Editor in Chief of Web
Hobbies: eating ice cream and re-watching Netflix series
Favorite things: Raindrops on roses and...