To Tell or Not to Tell


By: Emma Glennon, Editor

 To tell or not to tell, that is the question. I understand why some things may need to be private. However, keeping things in and not dealing with your emotions can be harmful.  It’s like putting mentos in pop. Eventually the pop can’t hold them in anymore, and the pop explodes all over the place. Sometimes not only all on you but on other involved as well. There are more pros than cons when talking to others.

It helps keep us safe, heal through your pain and build trust with others. People should feel comfortable with at least one person they can go to about the trials and tribulations going on in our lives. Such as a friend a family member or a counselor.

When someone says, “don’t tell anybody!” you shouldn’t always agree that you won’t.   Sometime it’s not be safe to stay quiet.  Some examples include, if someone is being hurt or planning to hurt someone or themselves. If someone is planning to commit suicide, you need to tell someone you trust.

According to,, if people don’t talk about what they are feeling such as, depression or suicidal thoughts, they are more likely to go through with it. When a person says not to say anything it might be their way of asking for help.

Talking to someone can help you heal from tough situations in many ways. According to Solutions, talking can provide  relief and come up with ways to help us problem solve.

Sometimes the more detail people share the more they are able to think of what to do on our own.  I have experienced many hard times in my life. Like feeling lonely or conflict with a family member.  After I talk about it with someone, I realize the way to solve my problems is simple.

I know what you might be thinking, “there are just some things that I should just keep to myself because I don’t want people to look at me differently.  Especially people who are close to me”  However, I know from experience that it’s not good to keep things bottled up inside.  I also know that there are people that love and want to to support you.  So don’t be afraid to tell them things just be honest! You might find someone who has been in a similar situation.

Everyone has a different life story and situations that helped make you who are today.  That doesn’t mean you can’t relate or build trust with them. Everyone knows that people need to feel a sense of belonging.  According to,  trusting others benefits everyone involved.  It also states that if you don’t have trust with, it can cause anxiety and others not to trust you.

Opening up to people has a lot of benefits. It makes sure you stay safe, help you process your emotion and helps you find new friends.   I know that through my experience of grief, it bring a lot people together.  For me it is really difficult to put myself out there at first, it has really helped me grow as person. I am able to better process my emotions. Circumstances in life and what other think and say about you may painful to deal with However, I try not to let it bother me because things you can’t do define who you are.