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Kaneland Krier

The site of Kaneland High School's student news publication.

Kaneland Krier

How to find the right way to start reading

     In a survey of students and teachers from around the world, the 2018 Cambridge International Global Education Census says that students favor mathematics over other subjects in school. The survey also shows English literature as one of the least-liked subjects. The dislike of this class most likely stems from middle and high school students’ distaste for reading. As kids get older, they develop different interests, and the thought of reading gets left behind. Due to that perception, reading is viewed as a boring hobby and a waste of time. However, it may be the students’ views on reading that are all wrong. 

     When most students read a book, it usually goes one of two ways. If a friend recommends a book, they’ll try to read it. However, they might get bored after reading a few pages and never pick the book up again. If a student gets told to read a book for an assignment, it will require a lot of analysis and comprehension that may take the fun out of reading. The secret to finding a book that keeps your interest and attention is finding the types of books that are best fit for you. 

     Not everyone likes the same genres. Some people are interested in reading about fantasy lands that let them escape reality. Other people prefer to read nonfiction biographies about their favorite celebrities. Nevertheless, all books are beneficial. Healthline, a website dedicated to spreading health and wellness information, research has shown, “research has shown that people who read literary fiction – stories that explore the inner lives of characters – show a heightened ability to understand the feelings and beliefs of others.” The same article also said reading is a great way to expose yourself to new words and build your vocabulary. No matter the type of book or the length of the book, they are full of value for the reader. 

     You can find the types of books you’re interested in by looking at the shows and movies you already like. Many books are written by authors who were inspired by famous movies. Additionally, your favorite movie might already be a book. It’s very popular in the movie industry to create a film adaptation of a well-loved book. If you’re a fan of the Hunger Games movies, released in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, you can try reading the books they were adapted from. By searching in a social media app or an internet browser, you can find book recommendations similar to your favorite movies or shows. 

     As a person who loves reading, I have many different methods of finding books I like. I use apps on my phone to give me book recommendations based on the ones I’ve previously read. I also use social media apps to give me book recommendations based on different genres and authors. My personal favorite genres are YA (young adult), mystery, romance and dystopian novels. These are great genres to read when you begin reading because they are full of variety within each genre, so it won’t be hard to find a book that sounds interesting.

     I haven’t always liked reading. In elementary school and middle school, I struggled with finding books I was interested in and that kept my attention. It wasn’t until eighth grade that I found interest in reading. I discovered this book series that I couldn’t put down, and I read all five books within the span of a month. Being able to say I’ve read so many books helped push me to keep reading. Finishing each book felt like a big accomplishment, so I’ve been reading nonstop since. 

     Once you have a book you’re interested in, set aside time to read it. According to Capitalize My Title, a resource tool for students and writers, it takes about 5.6 hours to read a book that is 200 pages long at the average adult reading speed of 300 words per minute (wpm). The average person spends around 40 hours a week at school or work, so finding time to read for the five to ten hours it takes to read a book is challenging. Setting aside a specific time in your schedule just for reading will help. However, don’t force yourself if you’re not in the mood to read. If you make reading feel like a chore, then it will become less fun every time you do it. Also, practice makes perfect. If you’re not used to reading, your reading speed might be a little slow. But as you read more frequently, you can become faster at reading, which will result in finishing books faster. 

     Another way to make reading more enjoyable is to find a comfortable, quiet place to read. I prefer to read while in bed or on my couch. Other great places to read are in nature, away from any distracting sounds in your house. Many people like to bring books with them to the beach or pool. It’s a great source of entertainment while trying to get a tan. 

     If you start reading a book that isn’t as interesting as you thought it would be, do not force yourself to read it. Similar to when you’re not in the mood for reading, forcing yourself to read a book you don’t like will take away the fun of reading and make you less likely to pick up another book. Instead of making yourself finish the book you started, start reading a new one. There are millions of book titles around the world. There truly is a book for everyone. 

     Despite finding a book that is interesting, it can still be hard for people to focus long enough on a book and find time to read it. A solution to that problem is audiobooks. By listening to an audiobook, you can still enjoy the entertainment of a book, but you also have the added benefit of being able to multitask. 

     Everyone’s experiences with reading are different, but reading shouldn’t be tossed aside after one bad experience with it in the past. Instead of trying to force yourself to read again and again the same way, take a step back and try it from a new angle and find what works best for you. 

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About the Contributor
Preslee Sutherland
Preslee Sutherland, Web Assistant
Name: Preslee Sutherland    Position: Web Assistant   Graduation year: 2025   A few sentences about me: I love reading and doing puzzles. I also love traveling and spending time with my friends. When I’m bored, you can find me reading one of the MANY books on my bookshelf or watching the current TV show that I’m obsessed with.    My favorite…   Movie: Frozen Show: Once Upon a Time, Friends, and Bridgerton Animal: Dog Hobby: Reading and Bowling Book: Divergent by Veronica Roth Food: Potatoes  Song: If I Can Dream by Elvis Presley, Dandelions by Ruth B, Friends by Tyler Braden Band / Artist: Daughtry and Luke Bryan