Summer provides more benefits to students than one may think

     With the chaos one may endure during the regular school year, from last-minute studying for a test to procrastinating way too long for writing an English paper, summer is a great way to unwind and recharge.

     Summer has always boosted my morale because I knew I did not have to worry about school for a while and could focus on having fun.  

     While some may think that the only benefit to summer break is the ability to sleep in and relax after what may have been a stressful school year, I have found some of my best memories happen during the summer with friends and family. Late-night campfires, movies in the park and walking through downtown Elburn to enjoy ice cream from Alice’s Place have always been my favorite activities to do in the hot weather.  

     It is also a perfect time to learn skills, find hobbies and experience what life is like when you do not have to sit in a classroom all day. 

     With the extra free time, it is not a bad idea to learn how to do something you may have wanted to do for a while but could never find the time for. There are endless options from learning to crochet, spending time fishing, starting a new sport, reading books or enhancing your cooking skills. Some high schoolers find that getting a job is a great way to spend their time if they want to save money, spend money or prevent boredom. 

     Even though nobody can force you to improve in anything, it is crucial to understand that nobody is perfect and there is always room to grow. Summer is a great time to self-reflect on the previous year. Do you want to strive to maintain decent grades to boost your GPA? Do you want to venture out and join a new club or sport? Do you want to expand your group of friends? Self-reflection is a great way to become more self-aware. 

     Another benefit of summer is the abundant source of vitamin D from the sun, which can help your psychological well-being. 

     According to Healthline, a well-known media source for health and wellness information, “Research has shown that vitamin D might play an important role in regulating mood and decreasing the risk of depression.”

     While one may think summer is only a season, it also benefits students. So, relax, make memories, try something new, self-reflect and soak up the sun because it may be more worthwhile than you think.