December 5: Taking time away from the courts to keep family traditions alive


Photo By Morgan Jurgens

Health and physical education teacher Brian Claesson can’t wait to keep his family traditions going during this winter break.

By: Morgan Jurgens, Reporter

Health and physical education teacher Brian Claesson plans to spend his winter break coaching the freshman boys basketball team and going to family parties to celebrate the holidays.

“Every Christmas Eve I go to my grandmas, and we go to church as a family,” Claesson said.

After attending church, they celebrate the holiday as a family and his grandma makes prime rib for dinner. On Christmas day, his mom makes flank steak and the celebration continues.

Although Claesson doesn’t participate much in the decorating festivities the holiday encounters, his parents do by putting up a Christmas tree.

Claesson’s favorite holiday memory dates back to 2010, when he and his family went to Las Vegas for Christmas.

“We went and saw Terry Fator, he’s a ventriloquist,” Claesson said.