A 40’s flash from the past


Catalina shows off her style through her clothing.

Got style? Catalina Lopez does, but her style isn’t from this new age; Catalina prefers the clothes, hair and music of the early 40’s through mid 50’s. She tries to match her modern closet to that of which she would find in her favorite time period.

“I just look at old ads or movies and things like that and find things similar to them in today’s stores. However it’s down to simple rules for me: no jeans, sweatpants or nude lips. And antiquing. If you can find something in your size, in your budget and in good condition, grab it,” Lopez said.

There’s a multitude of things to shop for, but Catalina prefers to indulge in footwear when she attacks the store shelves.

“Seriously vintage shoes are like a fetish for me. There is just something about the construction that makes a foot look good, like small and dainty; it’s fabulous. Function is very low on my priority list. Shoes are meant for sitting around looking glam in. And kitchenware, I adore anything overly 50’s in a kitchen,” Lopez said.

Her inspiration stems from a very young age when she was just a toddler looking with wide eyes at the great big world.

“A ton of things inspired me. I think the first thing was when I was really, really young I would watch old 60’s TV shows, and I was like whoa. Whatever that is… I want to be it. So I started playing dress up… and never stopped I guess. Also, people like Gypsy Rose Lee, Bettie Page, Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall and my favorite, Gene Tierney, inspired me,” Lopez said.

Her love for the aspects of the 40’s to 50’s has a reason though, besides just the fun in dress. She saw a different kind of appreciated beauty back then.

“I deeply admire the attention to glamour. The detail, the “man-made beauty” I guess you’d say. I can’t really relate to modern day beauties because they claim to be naturally flawless- but back then things were made to look unnaturally beautiful, which is more relatable for me. It’s the creation of beauty and glamour that really does it,” Lopez said.

Catalina prefers the distinctly human-made glamour that can be lived up to, rather than the “naturally flawless” models that have hit the runway.

“What’s the fun in living up to that? There’s no mystery, no illusion and no drama,” Lopez exclaimed.

Catalina’s style doesn’t just stop at what she wears and how she does her hair, it carries into her plans for the future as well.

“My style carries into a lifestyle. I’d like to be a pinup model, hair stylist, a designer, a history teacher or maybe even a costume designer for films. Anything to keep my passion in full swing. I wouldn’t give it up for the world. I hope I’m an 85 year old grandma still dying her hair jet black and painting on red lips,” Lopez said.

Catalina’s personal style is what helps defines her as a person; it is her individuality. Her style has become a part of who she is.

“It’s been hard, people question my style a lot, but it’s just the most organic me. I hope more people decide they can be different and it’s okay! I try my hardest to accept everyone’s personal style; it’s a window into their crazy imagination and I appreciate that in everyone. It’s nice to know everyone’s crazy,” Lopez said.

 Another close-up on this pin-up. One can never have too much red. Gotta have them high-waisted shorts. Starfish are great accessories. One of Catalina's full 40's outfits. A pair of shoes she found while antiquing. One of Catalina's favorite traits about herself an her style are her long "claw" nails.