Although the importance of the intake of water is reminded repeatedly, the real reason why may never be mentioned.
Drinking water is an essential part of everyone’s day. For those who participate in sports, water intake is very crucial. Those side cramps won’t do anyone good when they are in the middle of a game or race.
“I feel it’s important to drink water because it makes you feel energized and makes you hydrated so you’re not tired,” sophomore Victoria Clinton said.
Dehydration is caused due to the lack of liquid consumption in the body; there is more water and salt leaving the body than being brought in. Some common causes of dehydration are vomiting, fevers, severe wounds in the skin or exercising too much. In each of these situations, the body is losing major quantities of water and other liquids which dries up its interior. Signs of dehydration in most adults are dizziness, fainting, dry tongue, increased thirst and dark urine.
In an average human body, there is about 60 to 70 percent of water being regulated throughout the cells. According to Mehdi, for every 1,000 kilo calories consumed, one liter of water is needed. So, if 8,000 kilo calories are consumed, then eight liters need to be drank.
“I drink about three to four liters of water a day,” sophomore, Sam Havlin said.
For those who are in sports, water and electrolytes are encouraged in order to have the proper amount of energy. The more active one is, the more liquids that are needed to be consumed. According to Tim Graham, writer of “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff,” the electrolytes that are found in Gatorade are good to drink before and after a workout. Graham also says that because all Gatorades contain the same amount of nutrition (carbs, sodium), one’s favorite flavor is all they need to worry about when it comes to picking out the right drink.
“It [Gatorade] has more sugar in it, so I feel like it has a better taste than water,” freshman Sarah Kolzow said.
Although it is important to stay hydrated for sports, water is good for keeping a clear face and a healthy body. For example, when hunger strikes, a tall glass of water will fill up the stomach causing less hunger and less consumption of snacks.
So, weather passing the ball or simply sitting and watching TV, a glass of water will keep the day light and energized.