“Fuller House” takes fans on a trip down memory lane

By: Madeline Mohatt, Executive Editor

Have mercy; everyone’s favorite family sitcom from the ‘90s is back and better — or should I say fuller — than ever.

On February 27, Netflix finally opened up the doors to the Tanner household again as they released the first season of “Fuller House”: a spinoff from the original series “Full House.”

The sequel kicks off with the Tanner Family appearing right where fans saw them last: 1882 Girard Street, San Francisco, California. So, the setting is the same, does this mean the characters are too? You got it dude. All original cast members, with the exception of the Olsen Twins, appear in “Fuller House.”

Along with the original personalities, new additions have been added to the character list to help reduce the curiosity fans had after the “Full House” finale in 1995.

Although the new characters fit right into the family, the new modernization surrounding the show is less than applauded.

I realize that the constant references to ‘selfies,’ ‘twitter’ and ‘instagram posts’ are a necessity when trying to pull off a twenty-year transformation. Luckily for those nostalgic viewers, plenty of references are made towards the original.

The humorous appeal to this storyline was definitely not lost over the years. The neverending puns still make fans cringe from the start to the end of the 30 minute-long episodes.

Apart from the corny jokes, the romantic encounters are what make Netflix bingers want to curl up on the couch all day and devover.

Uncle Jesse and Aunt Beccie: we shipped them in 1991 and can’t help but continue. Aside from his dashing looks, Uncle Jesse’s charming gestures swoop Aunt Beccie off of her feet making them an idolized couple — and arise jealousy amongst the female fanbase.

The reboot has done a wonderful job intertwining the past with the present. From warm hearted group hugs to inherited neat freak frenzies, “Fuller House” definitely cures the nostalgia craze.