First-year gym teacher John Mansour looks forward to the year
Photo By Grace Dodis
New teacher John Mansour.
September 25, 2014
Kaneland High School has many new staff members this year; one is John Mansour. Mansour teaches P.E for mostly juniors and seniors, is a lunchroom monitor, and is also looking forward to coaching basketball this winter.
After student teaching at Kaneland in the 2013-2014 school year, Mansour decided to apply for his first official year of teaching.
“I had such an excellent time student teaching and subbing. I enjoyed it so much I wanted to come back,” Mansour said.
Mansour wanted to become a P.E. teacher because of his interest for P.E. and sports in high school.
“I thought my P.E. teachers were the coolest people ever so I figured I’d want to become one too,” Mansour said.
Mansour really likes teaching his 1st and 2nd period classes because of the atmosphere and the students.
Aside from teaching, Mansour likes working out and watching T.V. in his spare time.