Keeping your spine in line
Photo By Taylor Eaves
Senior Elise Fichtel slouches to demonstrate bad posture.
December 17, 2014
We all have caught ourselves doing it, whether it’s in the classroom, at the office, or at home. At times it’s tempting to let loose and let the shoulders slouch. Slouching may be a relaxing, temporary fix, but it has become a common bad habit for many.
According to, millions of Americans suffer from poor posture, and the pain caused by it. Bad posture can cause shoulder pain, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction and even headaches.
As stated on, bad posture leads to slouching. Keeping the shoulders and back hunched over time can cause muscle tension which later results in pain. While seated, often times people lean their head forward too. In doing so, they are more likely to clench their jaw. Clenching the jaw and tightening facial muscles can lead to headaches and jaw pain. Over time, repeated jaw clenching can contribute to tension in the temporomandibular joint dysfunction, which wears down the joint itself.
So how can these symptoms be avoided? Senior Nina Burns knows a thing or two about maintaining correct posture.
“Once you train your muscles to achieve good posture, it’s pretty easy. You let your weight from your shoulders rest directly over your spine. Also when you sit, don’t rest your face on your elbows. Always make sure your shoulders are rolled back,” Burns said.
Not only does having correct posture prevent health setbacks, but it makes one appear to have an aura of assertiveness and confidence. Senior Elise Fichtel also understands the health and appearance factors of maintaining good posture from her experience in runway modeling.
“When you get older, having bad posture is associated with back pains. Also, when going to something formal like a job interview, having upright posture is good. It displays a lot of confidence,” Fichtel said.
Practicing correct posture can even make one seem taller and slimmer.
“Having a good posture could make one appear they’ve lost 10 pounds,” Burns said.
Practicing correct posture throughout the day is overall good for your health, focus, and self image.