Kickin’ it With the Krier | Connected Episode 1: Inflation
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About the Contributors

Jasper Paulson, Broadcast Executive, Ad and Business Design Executive, and Copy Editor Executive
Name: Jasper Paulson
Position: Copy Editor, Broadcast Executive, Ad and Business Design Executive
Graduation year: 2025
A few sentences about me: I might seem like I’m busy, but I always have time to talk about a good book. Other than journalism, I do marching band and dance nearly all year round. I’m looking forward to my senior year here and can’t wait to see what wonderful things the Krier is going to do while I’m still here!
My favorite…
Movie: Any of the Saw movies
Show: Heartstopper
Animal: Hyena
Hobby: Reading!
Book: False Prince by Jennifer E. Nielsen
Food: Not a food, but Coca Cola
Song: Tell Me that You’re Okay by NOAHFINNCE
Band / Artist: NOAHFINNCE

Casper Suehs, Broadcast Manager
Name: Casper Suehs
Position: Broadcast Manager
Graduation year: 2025
A few sentences about me:. I love spending time with friends and shopping at thrift stores. I like anything horror and anything to do with clowns. I am excited to meet new people and have fun!
My favorite…
Movie: The Sandlot
Show: American Horror Story
Animal: Frog
Hobby: Thrifting
Book: IT by Stephen King
Food: Kringle
Song: Deleter by GROUPLOVE
Band / Artist: The Offspring