Valentines day on a budget
The average high schooler student works a minimum wage job, at 15-20 hours a week. 89 percent of teens ages 13 to 18 report being in a dating relationship. With relationships comes spending, birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, and infamously – the one day devoted to couples – Valentine’s Day.
If you are one of those teens who works a minimum wage job and is in a relationship, these holidays can seem frightening. Wanting to create a wonderful Valentine’s Day for significant others without losing a paycheck seems impossible, but this is an avoidable crisis. With these options, it’s possible to have an amazing Valentine’s Day without spending an entire paycheck.
1. A Homemade Meal
One of the most expensive parts of Valentine’s Day is going out to eat. Couples can spend $50.00 on a dinner for two at a nice restaurant like Maggiano’s, but that is a big chunk of a paycheck if you only work 20 hours a week at $8.25. So instead, buy some pasta for a dollar a box at Jewel, and make a nice spaghetti dinner for your significant other at home, not only will it save some money but it will also be a time to show off cooking skills.
2. A Redbox Movie Marathon
A trip to Randall 15 will run upwards of $16.00 if you pay for your date (which you should), but going to the local Redbox will only cost about $2.00 or less a film. Not to mention the added effect of a comfortable place to sit and cuddling instead of sitting uncomfortably. Another pro would be that there is no one else talking while you watch the movie and it gives off a more intimate vibe.
3. Gifts for less
If you can’t afford an expensive gift, it’s still possible give your love something that makes their Valentine’s Day special. Consider buying a disposable camera and printing out silly pictures of you two together. A disposable camera costs under $10.00, and getting the photos printed would only cost $0.33 a picture. This could be a very cute surprise for the other, without spending too much. A handwritten love note can get you farther than you would think, it means that you took the time to prepare it. Also, roses from a florist arranged can cost upwards of $50.00, while you can get them for $5.00 at a grocery store.
Following these simple steps can save you a ton and still create a wonderful environment for your love interest on Valentines day.

Grade: 11
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