The March 10, 2025, board meeting covered various topics including referendum updates and staffing plans for the next school year. All board members were present except for Dr. Aaron Lawler.
Public comments were exclusively community members expressing their support for the referendum and urging fellow residents to research the benefits of it passing. Notably, many middle school students spoke about how they feel that improved learning and athletic facilities would help them grow significantly as students and athletes.
“More modern classrooms with better technology and space would help [students] focus and make learning easier,” sixth grade student Blake D’Amore said. “A new field house and stadium would make practices and games more fun and would help us play our best.”
Following the public comments, the board opened a public hearing and a subsequent vote on the fees for Drivers Education. Assistant Superintendent for Business Dr. Jackie Bogan explained that in the past, Kaneland has charged the maximum price of $250, and the district would like to continue with this amount. However, Illinois state law suggests that if a district wants to charge over $50, they must hold a public hearing. With no public comments, the board approved the maintained fee 6-0.
As a result of budget cuts to fix the district’s predicted deficit of $4.2 million, Kaneland will undergo a staff reduction next school year. Since the reduction exceeds 150% of the prior year’s reduction in force (RIF) , a public hearing was held in accordance with Illinois law. There were no comments made by the public or board, nor was there any action taken regarding the topic.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Allied Facility Partners Doug McMahan has toured and assessed Kaneland buildings and then presented information that covered what Kaneland facilities need and the impacts of any possible improvements. During his tour, he found that aspects like lighting and ventilation are not ideal for a satisfactory learning environment. He emphasized that there are many financial advantages tied to a referendum due to rebates and federal programs. Additionally, McMahan pointed out that if a large piece of current equipment needs to be repaired, which without the referendum is unlikely, the time it takes for materials to arrive is over six months.
Director of Human Resources Dr. Chris Adkins shared the staffing plan for the 2025-26 school year, which included how the district plans to aid the staff during the process of honorable reductions. He explained that if any changes were to happen in terms of enrollment or finances within the next year, certain staff would have recall rights. The board accepted the resolution 6-0, authorizing the list of staff members who will be dismissed.
Prior to the unanimous vote, board member Ryan Kleisner and Board President Addam Gonzales expressed their sympathy for the staff affected by these cuts. Further, Gonzales thanked Kaneland administration for their hard work throughout the difficult process.
“I want to comment that this has been really tough for all of us,” Kleisner said. “It has been very taxing and has been a burden on all of our minds and hearts. None of this is done lightly.”
Adkins also presented specific details pertaining to what the staff will look like next year, and he provided recommendations on further improvements to the plan like cutting clubs with low enrollment.
Bogan announced that Kaneland is falling just short of their minimum amount of cash required on hand at all times. She reviewed the ways that surrounding school districts build their fund balances long-term, and she suggested to the board that increasing the requirement may eventually improve Kaneland’s financial position. Gonzales and Kelisner expressed their support for this plan and said it would be a step in the right direction in terms of financial responsibility.
The board moved on to discuss the possibility of implementing the Perfection Learning/AMSCO textbook series to the curriculum for AP Microeconomics. Following district procedures, Director of Educational Services 6-12 Dr. James Horne presented the new curriculum to the board, shared its strengths and also made it available for the public. This curriculum change was approved by the board 6-0.
Superintendent Dr. Kurt Rowhling announced that instead of having two Directors of Educational Services, Horne will become the Director of Teaching and Learning. Additionally, Personalized Learning Coordinator Laura Garland will become the Coordinator of Student Supports. The district is currently seeking someone to assume the role of Coordinator of Curriculum Development.
Stemming from a request from the Office of the Attorney General of Illinois, Rowhling advised the board to release the audio recording from the closed session of the Aug. 26, 2024, board meeting. This complaint was submitted by Sugar Grove Village President Jennifer Konen regarding the discussion of litigation against the Village of Sugar Grove. The board approved the release of the audio 6-0.
The final town hall meeting discussing the referendum will be held on Wednesday, March 12. Kaneland’s educational services department will be hosting a virtual meeting for parents concerning state testing on Thursday, March 20. Rohlwing also reported on the success of Kaneland’s Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) club at their State finals. Kaneland’s DECA club was recognized and awarded for their increase in chapter membership. He also congratulated the boys varsity basketball team and girls wrestling team for their successful seasons.
The meeting concluded with a closed session with no possible action as a result. The next Kaneland school board meeting will be held on Monday, April 14.