Common misconceptions on Ebola (cont)

By: Nick Boose, Staff Writer

How contagious is ebola?

“Very contagious. If you throw up the particles are in the air,” junior Emily Tickle said.

“It is kind of contagious. It is transmitted through body fluids,” junior Melissa Stachowaik said.

This isn’t completely true. Compared to many other disease ebola isn’t particularly contagious.


Who can you get it from?

“Only people that have it,” Stachowaik said.

People with ebola generally have a 21 day span where they could have it, but aren’t showing symptoms. The possibility of this is very low. An individual can only get ebola from another victim.

What will happen if you get ebola?

“I’ll die within a week. I would start bleeding out of my eyes or something crazy like that,” senior Joseph Kurby said.

In prior outbreaks of ebola the death rate was up near 90 percent. This outbreak however contains only a 45 percetn death rate. It is more controlled and monitered closely.


The United States is prepared for ebola…

“We are not prepared. It’s all because the doctors and caregivers fear for their lives. They think they will get ebola and then just die,” junior Jessica O’Donnell said.

As a whole the United States is as ready as we can be. Because of prior flu-like outbreaks, many hospitals have plans in palce to care for those who fall vicitom.


Ebola is the worst health disaster the United States has ever had…

“No it isn’t. People are just overreacting. A small number of people have had it,” Stachowaik said.

It is not. The worst was the pandemic flu in 1917.