January 25 Board Meeting
Photo By Sophie Opp
Kaneland High School Principal Jill Maras introduces new staff members to the board of education. This year has been full of new experiences, and with that comes new teachers.
All members of the board were present for their meeting on Jan. 25, 2021, via Zoom. The meeting primarily focused on updates regarding the pandemic and providing a recap of the school year thus far. As usual, the meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Kaneland High School Principal Jill Maras began discussion by introducing new high school faculty members who are new this year.
Maras presented 10 new members, including both remote and in-person staff. After officially meeting all of Kaneland’s new employees, Athletic and Activities Director David Rohlman gave a quick update on the seasons for each of the following sports teams: boys and girls cross country, boys and girls golf and girls tennis. He included team statistics and quotes from coaches and players.
At this point, there were no public comments, which gave Superintendent Todd Leden the spotlight to discuss the approval of the 2021-22 school calendar.
“Please know that this is the schedule recommended right now based on what we hope the fall to be. We’ve adapted and changed as circumstances have warranted, and we will do that [this year] too,” Leden said.
Board Vice President Ryan Kerry asked if it would be possible for Kaneland to change the schedule if desired since the trend of starting school earlier each year feels less beneficial than later. Leden responded by explaining that the superintendents of schools in the area will have a conversation regarding start dates prior to creating calendars for the 2022-23 school year.
After all members agreed to move forward with the meeting, Rohlman was the first to speak on behalf of the Superintendent Board Report. He summarized where Kaneland stands in terms of sports and activities.
“We have 48 student organizations at Kaneland High School, and 42 of them, in some manner, have been able to meet with their students this year,” Rohlman said.
As for athletics, Rohlman reported that the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) has permitted contact days in the fall that almost all Kaneland coaches are taking advantage of. The state has also granted contact days for all sports that are not currently in season for the remainder of the year. This means that even if seasons are shortened, players will still get to practice and increase their skills.
After all the clarification over sports was concluded, Leden carried on with the report by discussing updated information from the Kane County Health Department. He explained that the Health Department is trying to organize times and locations within the week of Feb. 8, 2021, for the Moderna vaccine to be given to staff and administration.
After discussion regarding the vaccine, Leden and Associate Superintendent Dr. Julie-Ann Fuchs gave a final few updates. The Kaneland Foundation will meet next week on Feb. 2, 2021. Last Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021, the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) met to cover handbook feedback and summer school. Lastly, the Finance Advisory Committee (FAC) will meet on Feb. 4, 2021. The meeting was then adjourned by all members of the board.

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