Kaneland growth stable
The population growth in seniors versus kindergartners changes the way Kaneland is run, the ways subjects are taught and the various classes available will be very different.
“Growth in the school community is a positive because it can lead to more diversity in athletics and academics,” Elementary School Curricular Director Sarah Mumm said.
Overpopulation of students or a decrease of students both have pros and cons that could change the future for Kaneland High School and the community as a whole by producing many community and college ready students.
The average number of students Kaneland gets each year usually is the same for each grade, but some slight increases can occur with students from different areas coming to the school. This years enrollment is 324 seniors, 1400 students in kindergarten to fifth grade and 80 early childhood students. The largest class in the kindergarten through fifth grade classes would be the fourth grade with 475 students enrolled. There has been some decrease in kindergartners in the past 2 years.
According to Mumm, overpopulation of students could cause the use of the old middle school for some high school students because there would not be enough space. A negative that could occur would be a decrease in students. This could possibly have a huge effect in the future because college and job ready students will be graduating which would eventually boost the economy.