By Liz Such, Reporter
California’s controversial Proposition 8, a voter-approved measure that defined marriage as only between a man and a woman, has been overturned by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals as unconstitutional, opening the door for same-sex marriages to begin again.
It’s a ruling likely to have national implications in the ongoing debate over same-sex marriage.
“I think it’s overstepping the government’s bounds,” English teacher Nicole Madison said. “Everybody has a right to love and be loved.”
Prop 8 was controversial because it was voter-approved by a state wide referendum.
“I don’t think the people have a right to decide civil rights,” Sharon Beck, GSA sponsor, said. “[Prop 8] should be decided in the courts.”
San Francisco and other cities in California legalized same-sex marriage, which led to the voter referendum Prop 8 that caused a state-wide ban.
Before Prop 8 was passed, 18,000 couples rushed to tie the knot. All marriages that were made before Nov. 4 were still considered legal marriage in the state of California.
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has been working at the federal level to protect and restore the rights of same sex couples.
“I believe Prop 8 was fundamentally wrong,” Feinstein said.
Earlier this month, Prop 8 moved one step closer to the Supreme Court after a judge deemed it unconstitutional. A panel of three judges of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will allow those against Prop 8 appeal thanks to a 2-1 vote.
“I think the rest of the country is watching carefully, with a lot of interest,” Madison said. “The precedent is definitely being set.”
In Illinois, lawmakers are laying out a bill that accepts marriage equality which will be released as soon as 2013.
“Although this ruling does not affect our laws in Illinois, it is still very significant for Illinoisans,” Anthony Martinez, executive director of the Civil Rights Agenda, said.
“It will only aid our progress toward full and equal civil rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation.”