Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness Campaign 2013 is a Pyramidcommunity collaboration dedicated to encouraging and promoting acts of kindness and keeping  kids connected and involved in the community.

Random Acts of Kindness is about being kind to ourselves, others and the environment. Studies show that being kind to other people benefit not only the receiver, but also the giver.

For children, it earns them increased well-being and also popularity and acceptance among peers. Well-liked teens exhibit more positive, less bullying behaviors when they become adults later on.

To promote random acts of kindness, it’s encouraged to families, friends and community members to add kindness into their lives and the lives of others in unique and different ways.

P.E.A.K. (Promoting Enrichment And Kindness) for Kids is collaborating with other local businesses, schools and organizations to inspire and promote Acts of Kindness in the community.

All around the school, “Be nice. Be happy.” is on walls, doors and in classrooms as a message to prove the community with a mission to practice kindness along with encouraging each other to make the right choices.

The community’s goal should be to look at kindness more comprehensively and realize that to be happy and healthy is all encompassing and not only includes mental and physical health, but social health as well. Being kind, tolerant and respectful of others is the key to successful social health.

The picture can be found at http://peakforkids.org/about-us/