Shredding the slopes
Photo By Sandra Faletto
Emma Hockey, Julia Biard, Rachel Brazee, Andrea Wells, Katie Biard, Morgan Angelo, Joshua May and Brandon Albarron all prepare for ski school. The excitement came an hour and a half later when they took their skills to the slopes.
February 9, 2017
Continuing to grow, the Ski and Snowboarding Club is happy to welcome the new sponsor Sandra Faletto. She participated in a ski club when she was in high school, and thought it would be a good idea to continue the club at Kaneland by becoming the sponsor this year.
This Winter season club consists of visiting two to three resorts in a two month span. Tyrol Basin, Devil’s Head, Cascade, Granite Peak are among the places they go. Every year it is different depending on the amount of snow and number of students wanting to attend.
There’s a limit on how many people can join due to the fact of riding all on one coach bus. At least 40 students attending and no more than 53 on the trips. It’s open to all grade levels and beginners wanting to learn.
One main aspect of this club is that there’s no need to know how to ski or snowboard to join. When arriving at the resort there’s a class you can take to learn how to maneuver on the slopes.
Owning gear isn’t a necessity for joining, but there is a fee for renting any equipment. Most of the time the charge for attending a day trip is around $75 when renting, but owning gear it’s more around $50.
The next and possibly final gathering is at Devils Head in Merrimac Wisconsin, on February 25th. Hanging with your friends and enjoying the beautiful slopes in Wisconsin never sounded better.