The Madrigals sing their way through Spain
Photo By Bridget McCracken
The Madrigals perform at the annual Madrigal dinner and sing traditional songs.
May 31, 2016
There are many exciting opportunities for those in the arts at Kaneland. The choir program at our school often goes on trips, including the Madrigals. This June the Madrigals will travel to Spain from the 7 to the 15. They will be touring around the country to sing at different cathedrals. They have five different concerts and in addition have time to explore the cities and walk around in Spain.
The Madrigals will perform in places such as Barcelona and Tarragona. They will sing in cathedrals, such as Sagrada Familia Cathedral, and explore the many sights Spain has to offer.
This trip brings a lot of preparation and anticipation to the group as a whole. The Madrigals have been rehearsing their music all year, and have been practicing some songs since as early as last July during last summer’s Madrigal Camp. They work on and refine the songs during class each day and occasionally after school or during workshops. Mr. Kunstman, the director of the Madrigals, has also arranged for other directors to come and work with the group on their songs before they leave for Spain.
Some students in the Madrigals have been on other trips with the group before, for example last year they sang at Disney World, but for some Madrigals it will be their first trip with the group.
“This is my first year in Madrigals, so I haven’t been on any trips. This will also be my first time out of the country. I’m really excited to be going on my first trip,” sophomore Josh Herrero said.
The excitement is a mutual feeling throughout the group. Many students are looking forward to this trip to Spain.
“I look forward to hanging out with my choir friends and seeing the country,” junior Lauren Ortiz said.
The Madrigals provides awesome opportunities for students not only because they get to travel and learn more about music , but also provides an opportunity for relationships to become stronger.
“I am looking forward to spending time with some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my lifetime, the people who have made this year so memorable for myself,” Herrero said.
The Madrigals have many performances throughout the year and put on shows such as the traditional Madrigal dinner held this December. This is a special trip for the Madrigals, as it is their fourth European tour and their first time traveling to Spain.
Senior Nicole DiSandro accompanied the Madrigals when they went to Disney World last summer and is excited about this years trip to Spain.
“I have never been to Europe before, so I am thrilled to cap off high school experiencing this beautiful trip with my best friends!” DiSandro said.