Escaping the in-crowd
Photo By Madeline Mohatt
Jenner transfers from the “mucho man” to feminine women
June 23, 2015
While growing up, I was always told to be myself and not to follow the in-crowd. This message is displayed everywhere, on television, in books and even at school. So, if we are supposed to be ourselves, why look down upon Bruce Jenner deciding to become a woman if he’s finally comfortable with himself?
Before the transition, Bruce told his first wife, Chrystie Scott, that he was a woman trapped inside a man’s body. She was surprised but told him she supports him.
The fact that he was an Olympic Athlete has resulted in recognition from the public for athletic achievements and a manly persona.
Diane Sawyer from ABC News conducted an interview with Jenner about how society categorized him and his thoughts.
“People look at me as this Macho Male but my heart and my soul and everything I do in life is part of me. That female side is part of me,” Jenner said during the interview.
Jenner is the same person she was before, someone who followed her heart and did what she always wanted for herself. Although Caitlyn and Bruce may look different in appearance, it is still the same person.
This transition is a symbol of bravery and being able to accept who you are in the inside as well as the outside, despite of the reputation you have,
Society has become too judgmental of people who are “out of the norm.” However, slowly but surely these people are being recognized not as weird, but courageous and brave enough to do whatever it takes to make them happy.
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people have become more accepted as more states legalize gay marriage and the public becomes more comfortable with the LGBT community. This is becoming reality because people are starting to realize that being gay or feeling wrong in your own body is not a personal decision.
The LGBT Center focuses on empowering people to lead healthy and successful lives, but most importantly, be who they really are.
According to Pew Research Center, as of 2015, seventeen countries and most states in the U.S. are legalizing same-sex marriage. The goal of the Center is to have respect and fair treatment in regards to schools, housing, public places and health care. By having more acceptance of people who life a different lifestyle, the world we live in will be a much friendlier place.
The new reality show “Becoming Us”, features a family whose father is taking the same action as Caitlyn Jenner. The acceptance of this topic is now very apparent in American culture as we see one of the most well known celebrities, television shows and the Gay Pride parades shine light on this topic.
The majority of the public see Bruce becoming Caitlyn as a positive, this statement can be supported by the out of control social media attention the subject has gained. Her daughter, Kendall Jenner, posted the Vanity Fair magazine cover on Instagram featuring Caitlyn in support saying “Now that’s a cover.” Caitlyn is getting a reality show called “I am Cait” and won the Arthur Ashe Courage Award for being brave enough to shatter the image of being an Olympic Gold medalist to become what makes her happy. Fans of the Jenner family show support by promoting the reality show and magazine.