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Kaneland Krier

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The site of Kaneland High School's student news publication.

Kaneland Krier

The site of Kaneland High School's student news publication.

Kaneland Krier

Dane Coyne

Dane Coyne, Cartoon Manager

Name: Dane Coyne


Position: Cartoon Manager


Graduation year: 2024


A few sentences about me: Hi, I’m Dane. I like jammin’ and slammin’, and I guess you could say I like movin’ and groovin’. I make cartoons and they go on pages in the Krier, which is pretty awesome if you ask me.


My favorite…


Movie: anything made by Wes Anderson

Show: Ren and Stimpy

Sport: hate them

Animal: monkeys!!! 

Book: Misery by Stephen King

Food: Nutty Buddies

Song: I Gots a Weasel by Ween

Band / Artist: Oingo Boingo

All content by Dane Coyne
As a student, it is understandable to go through struggles with mental health. However, there is a balance between staying mentally healthy and using it as an excuse. Not finding that balance can put stress on those around you and set yourself further behind. (Cartoon by Dane Coyne)

[Photo] Being accountable for mental health

By: Paige Whiteside, Editor-in-Chief of Web and Copy Editor
April 24, 2023
(Cartoon by Dane Coyne)

The Whale: A chance for redemption

By: Dane Coyne, Opinion 2 Editor
April 20, 2023
European beauty standards have become a societal goal to achieve, which causes adverse effects on those who do not fit those standards. Blue eyes, blonde hair and upturned noses are some of the features that fall under this standard.

The adverse effects of European beauty standards

By: Dane Coyne, Opinion 2 Editor
October 28, 2022
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The site of Kaneland High School's student news publication.