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The site of Kaneland High School's student news publication.

Kaneland Krier

  • 3/24 Virtual Town Hall Meeting
  • 3/25 ACT
  • 3/26 Pre ACT
  • 3/29 KHS Facility Tour
  • 3/31 - 4/7 Spring Break
  • 4/14 Board Meeting
  • 4/17 - 4/19 Something Rotten!
The site of Kaneland High School's student news publication.

Kaneland Krier

The site of Kaneland High School's student news publication.

Kaneland Krier

Paige Whiteside

Paige Whiteside, Advisor’s Assistant

Name: Paige Whiteside


Position: Advisor’s Assistant 


Graduation year: 2024


A few sentences about me: I am taking my fourth year of journalism and I am very excited about it. Last year, I was the Editor-in-Chief of Web as well as the Copy Editing Executive. This year, I will be helping out staff members with anything they need. Other than journalism and writing, I am very interested in entomology (the study of insects), taxidermy, music, drumming and baleen whales. #skuBonitions4life


My favorite…


Movie: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Show: Breaking Bad 

Sport: Soccer

Animal: Blue whale

Book: The Stranger by Albert Camus

Food: Chicken fried rice

Song: untitled 05 by Kendrick Lamar / Beach Life-in-Death by Car Seat Headrest / Time by Pink Floyd

Band / Artist: Kendrick Lamar, Car Seat Headrest, Pearl Jam, Nailbomb

All content by Paige Whiteside
As a student, it is understandable to go through struggles with mental health. However, there is a balance between staying mentally healthy and using it as an excuse. Not finding that balance can put stress on those around you and set yourself further behind. (Cartoon by Dane Coyne)

Being accountable for mental health

By: Paige Whiteside, Editor-in-Chief of Web and Copy Editor
April 24, 2023
Main characters in Avatar: The Way of Water Neytiri and Jake Sully console each other in a tense moment. The film has a run time of three hours and 12 minutes.

[Photo] Avatar: The Way of Water | Review

By: Jackson Kottmeyer, Feature 1 Editor
February 7, 2023
IMG-5849 (1)

[Photo] What Do Disney Princesses Actually Teach Your Children?

By: Zoey Pozen, Co-Social Media Manager & Co-Sports and Activities Executive
May 26, 2022
While Disney and Pixar's "Luca" may seem to be a film intended for younger audiences, director Enrico Casarosa's work includes plenty of messages that apply to viewers of any age. Editor Paige Whiteside reviews a movie that you might find worth watching before summer ends.

Luca | Movie Review

By: Paige Whiteside, Editor
July 12, 2021
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The site of Kaneland High School's student news publication.