Kaneland is full of students whose days consist of endless practices and endless stress, the tension that builds up in their muscles causing them to wake up stiff and sore in the morning. They might use ice and tylenol as a temporary relief from their pain, but perhaps a more “hands on” treatment would provide a better solution.
Massage therapy works to target deep muscle tension and relax the body.
“It promotes the healing of the body, which can make the recuperation time for an athlete a lot shorter,” said Massage Envy masseuse Matt Evans said.
He explained that a regular massages can help release toxins from the body as well as increase range of motion and flexibility.
This is achieved through working the muscles, connective tissues, ligaments and joints and can prevent future injuries.
An athlete might require a deep or firm tissue massage on the parts of their bodies they work the most.
“They feel good and release tension,” sophomore Matt Krawjewski said.
Tension in the muscles is not only caused by sports, student’s stress can also harm the body.
“When the body is under stress the muscles clench,” Evans said. “Even a student who hunches over a computer often might start to feel pain in their back and shoulders.”
A massage can lower the heart rate and increase blood circulation relieving stress, which is good for both physical and mental health. The release of stress also helps prevent migraines and headaches.
Massage therapy isn’t just for the muscles, it is beneficial in many areas of health.
According to research done by The University of Maryland Medical Center and sources at Massage Envy, massages and massage therapy can help strengthen the immune and respiratory system.
They can ease the pain of chronic conditions like arthritis, and help with rehabilitation.
Mental health can also be improved by massages. They can increase energy level, help you sleep, and help with symptoms of depression.
Student’s who are starting to feel the pressure of school and sports taking a number on their bodies, might consider the relaxing and drug free method of healing that massages offer. It might improve all aspects of the body.