As a student, it is terrifying to think about what the future holds

     From an early age, my family told me, “Don’t grow up too fast,” or “Stay young while you can.” Now that I am a little older, I have come to the point in my life where thinking about the future scares me, but at the same time, not thinking about the future may scare me a little more.  

     My parents recently asked me if there are any college campuses we should visit. It is overwhelming to think about all the choices, and if you are indecisive like me, that can be a tough decision. Some questions always run through my head when thinking about my future. Do I want to go to college in-state or out-of-state? What if I do not like what I am studying? Where do I want to see myself in ten years?

     Some individuals have had their life planned out from the beginning. They know where they want to live and what they want to do with their future. There are many options after high school, like a trade school, college, military or going straight into the workforce. Some people have had that all planned out, while others have not. 

     While it is a good idea to have a plan for what you want to do in life, it is also important not to let that plan consume you. In life, things change, and it is crucial to be able to adapt to your needs. For example, let’s say you have had a dream career because it’s what you love to do, but if you find a new passion or something you enjoy doing more, it’s okay to change the vision you had for your future. Although it is important to have a career where you can live a comfortable lifestyle, you must also enjoy what you do. 

     However, what scares me the most is being the type of adult who works a 9-to-5 job and spends the weekend paying bills and grocery shopping for their family. Adults have a lot more responsibilities to take on, and sure, while adults do things they think are fun, it is not the same as pulling all-nighters with friends and spending all day at the pool during summer break. 

     Thinking about the future can be daunting sometimes, and while it can be hard to imagine what life will be like after high school and college, try not to rush growing up in fear of not being prepared enough for the future.