Life-Saving Teens
Photo By KT Mattern
No matter what part of the pool lifeguards work at, they wear a swimsuit and a fanny pack to hold necessities along with a rash guard shirt and visor. Without this uniform, lifeguards wouldn’t be able to perform their job as well.
While a lot of teens would rather lay around all summer, a good number of high schoolers dedicate their summertime to working outside with jobs like lifeguarding.
Not many people can fully understand the pressure that goes into the job. Being a lifeguard means taking on sole responsibility for keeping the pool a fun, but safe place.
During the 30 hours of training, lifeguards learn numerous skills. Some of them include learning the different saves. A save is the term for the action of saving someone and the different ways to save them. They also learn CPR, basic first aid, and how to respond in an emergency. Along with learning how to use the backboard, which is the platform they put the victim’s body on during a save.
Senior Kylie Kurz said that one of her favorite aspects of being a lifeguard is, “…the skills you learn to be certified are super useful.”
By being trained to respond, Kurz and other lifeguards are more inclined to respond both quickly and efficiently in any emergency situation.
Even while they may be telling kids to stop running on the pool deck or cleaning up after guests, lifeguards have to keep a constant watchful eye on the pool and those in it.
There are many pros and cons of being a lifeguard.
“You are keeping people safe and helping someone in need of help,” sophomore Joie Obrock said.
By having this responsibility new and old lifeguards can find it stressful, but the feeling of helping others mostly overpowers this stress.
In addition to being able to help people, a positive part of lifeguarding is, “being able to be outside in the summer and making new friends,” sophomore Miranda Hansen said.

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