Krier Insider: Episode 2
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About the Contributors

Anna Gatz, Feature 1 Editor and Broadcaster
Name: Anna Gatz
Position: Feature Editor
Graduation Year: 2026
A few sentences about me: I’ve loved theater for as long as I can remember and plan on doing it for the rest of my life. I’m told I am a very passionate person and I can ramble on and on if you bring up the right topics. I love new things and I’m always just a little bit cold.
My favorite…
Movie: Little Women
Show: Arrested Development
Animal: Monkey
Hobby: Theater
Book: The Song of Achilles-Madeline Miller
Food: Pasta
Song: Velvet Ring- Big Thief
Band/Artist: Hailey Heynderickx

Sophie Thill, Editor-in-Chief of Web
Name: Sophie Thill
Position: Editor-in-Chief of Web
Graduation year: 2025
A few sentences about me: I love anything that has to do with performing. When I’m not in the lab or behind a computer writing, I can be found playing piano, singing, or acting. I also love to hang out with my friends and I love to go thrifting!
My favorite…
Movie: Dead Poets’ Society
Show: Friends
Animal: Dog (specifically pitbulls or Italian greyhounds)
Hobby: Acting and singing
Book: The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank
Food: Ice Cream
Song: “I’ll Be There for You” by The Rembrandts
Band / Artist: ABBA