In the United States, 20.3% of all teenagers have a job in high school. The working experience and atmosphere offers so much more than just a paycheck; it teaches many valuable lessons such as money management, building character and developing new skills. Could the key to future success lie in a part time job throughout your high school experience?
There are many crucial reasons for having a job in high school. The fundamentals you are able to obtain while working are lessons that you cannot learn anywhere else in life. Teenagers are able to acquire many skills such as time management, learning how to compromise, teamwork and commitment. Real world experience gives teenagers a taste of real responsibilities.
Personal finance teacher Joe Conroy has been helping students manage their finances for 21 years.
“Having a job in high school is extremely beneficial,” Conroy said. “Learning work ethic is expected in a job that correlates with school; those are the soft skills that you don’t get hammered with every day at school.”
Learning how to work hard and demonstrate dedication to succeeding in your tasks is very rewarding. When managers recognize your growth and commitment, it can lead to further opportunities. These acknowledgments don’t only boost self confidence but also motivate individuals to continue striving for success.
Social studies teacher James Fuller has been teaching for four years while pursuing his passion of teaching history to high school students.
“Obviously you balance sports and school work and activities but it also prepares you for a job later on,” Fuller said. “You can still be a good student and you can succeed without a job. It’s not necessary, but it does do a good job preparing you for life later on.”
Although it is an amazing feeling to make money, it is equally a great feeling to save money. Money management is not always easy, because it is very tempting to spend money on items you want or like. However, learning how to save and manage your money becomes easier over time. Saving your money teaches you self discipline and control.
“You have to be deliberate about your savings.” Conroy said. “I believe you should have a goal and save a specific amount from each paycheck.” “Look at your expenses, and then based on that you can decide how much you want to save.”
Building a resume for college is a common focus for many high schoolers. Like many others, I want to maximize my chances of getting into a good college and securing a great job afterwards. Many colleges value job experiences on applications.
According to Collegevine, it is true that work experience can be a valuable component of a college application. A part-time job or an internship can demonstrate responsibility, maturity and real-world skills, not to mention providing possible fodder for a compelling essay.
High school is very stressful and is a hard time for many students. Some may argue that students already have so much on their plate, why add another responsibility? Another may argue that students have their whole lives ahead of them, so why start working so young if you don’t have to?
Although these are valid points, it is very important to manage your time wisely because life becomes more difficult as you get older. Learning how to work under pressure as young as the age of 14 is an amazing experience that nothing can duplicate.
“I do see lots of upperclassmen working,” Fuller said. “It can create a lot of empathy and help you work out your issues not only with coworkers but also with customers or people you deal with on a day to day basis. When students have a job, they are very grounded with reality.”
Career exploration and decision making advance any students work skills and life skills. Not everyone’s first part time job is going to be their career. But the advanced skills you can bring to a career from a part time job can create a huge difference in an interview and your work ethic.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, whether that’s in school, sports or working. Working has significantly helped me increase my confidence inside and outside of the workplace. Receiving a compliment on my work ethic from time to time can truly make a difference in someone’s self esteem.
According to Mark Gregston, founder and director of Heartlight Ministries, there is a reason why every teen needs a job. He states that we need to learn how to listen, how to handle finances, how to work well, their own potential and valuable skills.
For most teenagers, their only boss in life has been their parents or guardians. Between the ages of 14 and 16, when teenagers get their first job they encounter a new boss in their life, one who pays but can also fire you. Although it may seem scary, it introduces a whole new level of responsibility and accountability. Learning how to work under pressure from authority is a valuable learning experience.
Time management is a huge component of being a great worker too. You could be one of the greatest employees, but if you don’t show up on time, constantly call off work, continuously have people cover your shifts or forgot you´re covering someone else’s shift, it can tremendously affect your work performance and work ethic.
English teacher Ashley Anderson pursues her passion of teaching literature to her high school students and has developed her current mindset through past experiences.
“Don’t be afraid to get rejected,” Anderson said. “I’ve walked into places and have been told no. It really doesn’t matter. It’s not personal. “Look at everything in life as an opportunity to grow. It’s not about just making money.”